Delay Unit

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The DSPplug delay unit is a simple delay unit which has 4 bands of wet/dry mixing. This means that you can control the amount of echo or delay you wish to add. It goes further, and mimics the function of the latest dspplug hydra product.

This means the choise of adding setereo width, mid or side as well as saturation to all 4 bands which are selectable by hz.
It goes further, and also allows you to turn off the dry signal, perfect for controlling your delayed signal when routing your dry signal to a send track: Allowing manipulation and control that goes beyond the standard delay.

With that and a nice sounding deefdback, from reggae to jazz to rock guitars/vocals and pop – You’ll use this plugin everyday.
This product is sold exclusively@ KVR Audio and

+ V1.0: Initial Release


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