Silverhawk EQ

Home » Product » Silverhawk EQ

The silverhawk is one of the fastest EQ’s ever made. For only 10 dollars (now on sale for 5 Dollars for a limited time!), you get a studio quality EQ with studio level readouts able to make your mixes pop. Available in both forced mono (will make anything mono) and stereo!

This product is sold exclusively@ KVR Audio and

+ V1.0: Previous Alpha version
+ V1.1: Alpha version
+ V1.2: Beta version
+ V1.3: Release
+ V1.4: Updated to support both mono and stereo
+ V1.5: Improved Acoustica mixcraft 9 support
+ V1.5: Added Silverhawk limiter
+ V1.6: Fixed preset for gain OUT issue

Planned Changes
+ V1.7: Mousewheel support, Optimizations, More Presets

The DSPplug silverhawk is sold here, but to show some KVRaudio comradery, it won’t be sold on other sites.
View product at KVRaudio marketplace

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